BasicMicro MBasic Wiki
Argument A constant, variable or other value used by a function to calculate a result.
Breadboard Hardware development board with interconnected sockets for wire jumpers and component leads.
Compiler A computer program that accepts commands in a source language (designed for easy human manipulation) and uses them to generate an "object" program which is then run on the same or another computer. The Basic Micro IDE includes a compiler.
Constant A program item that has a fixed value that does not change during program operation.
decimal Numbers based on the decimal system, i.e. powers of 10. Decimal numbers may or may not have a fractional part.
DIP Dual in line package. A package for integrated circuits, resistor networks, opto-electronics, etc. with two rows of pins.
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable ROM. A type of read only memory that can be modified as often as

needed. Contents are retained during power off periods.

Flash A type of read-only memory that can be modified during programming. Contents are retained during power off periods until they are explicitly modified again. May have a limited number of write cycles.
IC Integrated circuit
IDE Integrated Development Environment - Basic Micro’s software development program.
integer A positive, negative or unsigned number with no fractional part.
LED Light Emitting Diode. A semiconductor device that radiates visible or infrared light when a current passes through it.
LSB Least Significant Bit. The rightmost bit or bits in a number. For example, in the number %10001010 the

LSB is "0". (Sometimes used as Least Significant Byte.)

Microcontroller A special-purpose microcomputer chip designed for control applications.
MSB Most Significant Bit. The leftmost bit or bits in a number. For example, in the number %10001011 the MSB is "1". (Sometimes used as Most Significant Byte.)
Object code The compiled result of a BasicATOM Program which is downloaded to the BasicATOM Pro module.
PC Personal Computer. For purposes of this manual a PC is an Intel (or similar) based computer running Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, NT4 or 2000.
PCB Printed circuit board
Plated through hole A hole in a PCB that’s metal plated on both sides and through the hole itself. Used as a solder point for one or more connections, and to connect traces on both sides of the PCB.
RAM Random Access Memory. A memory area used for storage of variables during program operation. Contents

are not maintained during power off periods.

ROM Read Only Memory. Memory for storing programs and constants that are permanent or semi-permanent. See

also "Flash".

RS-232 Serial data interface standard used to interconnect computers and hardware.
Runtime library That part of the object code that includes support for all the functions used in a program.
Serial data Data that is sent in sequence, one bit at a time, over a single wire.
SIP Single in line package. A package for integrated circuits, resistor networks, etc. with a single row of pins spaced 0.10 inch apart.
Stack An area in RAM used to store temporary values or addresses that change during program operation.
Target variable The variable used to store the result of a calculation.
Variable A program item which has a value that may change during program operation.
Vdd Positive voltage (drain voltage)
Vss Negative or ground voltage (source voltage)